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About Boréalgue

Located in Les Escoumins, Quebec, Boréalgue Inc. specializes in the harvesting and cultivation of St. Lawrence seaweed. We offer seaweed from new, simple and eco-responsible cultivation methods, available in a variety of types for food uses.


Founder of Boréalgue

President of Boréalgue and a great fan of marine biology. My interest began after living abroad for 11 years, including 5 years in the Philippines on my catamaran that I designed and built. Living on the water pushed me to want to protect and understand this complex and resourceful environment. I then co-founded two NPOs for the protection, restoration and promotion (awareness) of corals, which are among other things an important niche for several marine organisms and the protection of banks. (Wide Open Project in West Papua and Coral Ocean Farmers in the Philippines).

Today in Quebec, my passion for the sea is still anchored, and algae have become my revelation not only for their importance in the ecosystem, but also for their great multifunctional utility and their benefits for humans. Being also an architect technician and carpenter joiner, my skills allow me to innovate in the engineering side of algae cultivation. I believe that exploring and exploiting this renewable resource while respecting the ecosystems present is possible in Quebec. Algae could also be one of the solutions to the many impacts of climate change for years to come. In cultivation, they can become an abundant source of nutrients necessary for humans, but also livestock and terrestrial plants; while being an organic crop and without demand for drinking water or fertilizers. Creating a good business model, eco-responsible, innovative and meeting the growing demand for local algae is our goal with Boréalgue Inc.

william cyr lamy boréalgue, algues
borealgue, haute cote nord


Partner and Collector

A Breton who discovers algae thanks to his Quebec friend...


I have always seen my grandparents in love with nature and especially birds. Without really realizing it, the passion had been transmitted to me.


However, I was following another path which, after having taken me through Montreal for a university exchange, would lead me to a few years in commerce and IT.  


It could have lasted a few more years, but the discovery of the underwater world would change everything. From dive to dive, I found this attraction to the animal world and the great outdoors again.


Since 2018, I have been looking for experiences in the great outdoors, often by the sea and mainly around raising public awareness of our beautiful biodiversity. That's how I met William, in the Philippines, for a coral restoration project.


A few years later, here we are again at the water's edge for a new adventure among the algae. And yet, all my life they have repelled me... All it took was a call from William to pique my curiosity and an outing to the Bergeronnes for a new passion to be transmitted to me.

I hope to be able to do the same with you through our meetings at the markets, our discovery workshops or just with a pinch of Kombu Royal on your plates!




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