A thousand and one reasons to consume seaweed

Goémoniers du Saint-Laurent
Boréalgue is a small company specializing in the field of algae, located on the Haute-Côte-Nord, where pure, cold and mineralized water emerges from the depths.
Harvest and cultivate native seaweed in an eco-responsible manner at sea, and introduce the potential of seaweed to local consumers and entrepreneurs.
Raise awareness of the place of algae in ecosystems and the multiple applications that their use allows.
Innovate in algae cultivation techniques in Quebec to enable the sustainable development of this resource in a simple, profitable and eco-responsible manner.
Les algues du Québec
Voici quelques algues que l'ont retourve dans le Fleuve Saint-Laurent
Goutez les algues du Saint-Laurent
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Algues du Saint-Lauent,
5, rue des coraux, Les escoumins
T. william 819 588 3976
T. Maxime 263 788 5942