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Kombu royal - Saccharina latissima

Kombu royal - Saccharina latissima

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Discover Kombu Royal in pieces or flakes ( Saccharina latissima ), an edible seaweed used in many Asian dishes for its unique flavor and versatility. By adding it to your broths or other cooked dishes, you can enjoy its little taste of the sea that will enhance your recipes. In addition to its delicious flavor, Kombu Royal is also rich in iodine, fiber and trace elements, making it a healthy and nutritious food. Add diversity to your diet by incorporating Kombu Royal into your dishes and discover its many health benefits. Order it today on our edible seaweed sales site and treat yourself to an exotic and enriching culinary experience.

The 20 or 30g formats are in small compostable and resealable bags.

From 80g, the format is in bulk in kraft bags.

  • Information

    Algae rinsed in sea water and dehydrated.

    Keep for several years in a dry place away from light.

    May contain traces of other marine organisms.

    100% compostable, plant-based packaging.

  • Politique de livraison

    Delivery by Canada Post

  • Return policy

    Contact us if there is a problem upon receipt!

  • Quantity and seasonality

    We cannot harvest seaweed all year round. So there is a more or less limited stock depending on the seaweed and the season!

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